Christmas Wishlist

1. Vivitar 157cm Camera Tripod - Argos 29.99// 2. Charcoal Tank Midi Dress - Topshop - £29.99// 3. Benefit Brow-zings £22.50 // 4. The Great British Bake Off Book - £8-10 // 5. Metal Geo Cuff - Urban Outfitters £14.00 // 6. Floral Devore Kimono - Topshop £45 //7. Vintage Renewal O&O Skater Skirt - Urban Outfitters £35.00
I have only actually asked for numbers 1-4 for christmas and the other 3 things are just things I want. 

1. I really need a tripod for taking decent outfit posts. I have also asked for a light which will let me take decent pictures in my room without them being all orangey. 
2. My sister has already bought me this dress and it's so wonderful, I cannot wait to open it!
3. My Dad is going to a duty free sale thing at the NEC in Birmingham and asked me if I wanted anything for christmas from there and this was at the top of my list. I need a decent eye brow kit!
4. I LOVED the bake off when it was on and it's such a shame that it's finished because masterchef is just not the same! I would love to be able to bake properly so hopefully this will help me!
5. I am really into bracelets at the minute which sucks because I don't have many and I think this would make any outfit look so much better. 
6. After watching this weeks episode of Girls, where Jessa wore her funky blue kimono thing, I really want one! 
7. Tartan is amazing. I have always loved tartan skirts and am in need of a new one and charity shops don't seem to be fulfilling my tartan skirt needs. 

Hopefully I should be posting some outfit posts over the next week so look forward to that!
Have a wonderful weekend!!! x
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