New Year's Resolutions for 2013

Like most people I'm normally really bad at making resolutions and actually sticking to them. I always promise to lose weight and eat more healthily and then I realise I still have left over chocolate from christmas. This year I'm going to try and make some realistic resolutions that I can stick to.

1. Improve the quality of my blog posts (particularly outfit posts). Most of my outfits posts have not been the best because I always change the location of where I take pictures and they often have my messy room in the background. I was going to make a post of all of my 2012 outfits but the pictures just look terrible! 2013 is going to be a kind of fresh start. I will find 1 location for all of my outfit posts and stick to it! I might buy a light too so my pictures don't have a horrible orange tinge and I don't have anywhere to take pictures near a window that looks good - no plain walls etc.

2. I will stop buying things  just for the sake of it.  When I go to cheap shops, e.g. charity shops, primark etc., I tend to buy things just because they're cheap. I will then wear them once and then never again. I have a pair of boots that I bought this time last year from River Island in the sale and they're horrible and have never worn them. They make my feet look huge! Instead I'm going to make more wishlists and buy things that I actually want.

3. I will read all the photography books that I have and actually take notice of the tips. I've had my bridge camera since Feb/March and of course I know how to use it but I feel that I don't know how to use it to it's full potential. A lot of the pictures I take look like the same picture I would get from your average camera despite the quality of it being ten times better. I'm going to save for a DSLR too but in the meantime I will try and figure out how to take better pictures on the camera I have at the moment.

4. Put more effort into my sixth form work I do already put a  lot of effort into to my work but sometimes I feel that I don't do enough. I just need to research and read more to ensure that I'm doing my best.

Hopefully I will be able to stick to these because they're not exactly hard. What are your new year's resolutions?
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  1. great resolutions :) I agree with the first one! I haven't upload any outfit of mine actually because of my lack of confidence, I think, but I hope to do it this year :)
    you've got such a beautiful blog, i follow you and happy new year! x


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