REVIEW: Skin Wisdom 2 in 1 cleanser and make up remover

A couple of months ago I was in desperate need for a new cleanser as mine had run out. My skin had gone all gross so I just bought this random one from Tesco. It is a 2 in 1 cleanser and make up remover. The make up remover can be seen in the bottle as a blue liquid which lies on top of the white liquid which is the cleanser. You shake it up to mix the two together and then apply.
The first thing I noticed about the product was that it is quite greasy. I don't know if make up remover products are supposed to be like that because this is the only one I have tried. Normally when I use cleanser it makes me face feel really fresh but as a result of the greasiness it kind of makes your skin feel groggy and masks the cleansed feeling. However it doesn't last that long so if you use toner afterwards the greasy feeling goes (if that makes sense).
That brings me onto my next point. As it is 2 in 1 you can't just cleanse your face with the product you always have to use the make up remover as well. In the morning you don't really need to use make remover (unless you don't take off your make up before bed) but sometimes I like to cleanse in the morning to get that fresh feeling. I therefore recommend that you have an extra cleanser use when you don't want to use the make up remover.
Despite this, I notice how good the product is when I stop using it. For example, I didn't take it with me when I went to Chester and my face eventually felt really gross and I was so happy when I used it again. I think that is often the case with a lot of products, you don't notice how much you need it until you run out or stop using it for a while.
I think the next time I buy cleanser and make up remover I will buy them as separate products to make life easier (or use make up remover wipes).
What cleansers and make up remover do you use?
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