Sunday Post No. 3

My Olympus Trip 35 & My Favourite D&G Perfume Le Bateleur 1
This week has been horrible for me as it has been mock exam week. I  hate it because even though I knew I had revised, I felt like I wasn't prepared - I just don't cope well under pressure at all. I only have one result back yet and it was not bad at all, I just hope that the rest follow suit - fingers crossed. I have obviously been revising like crazy all week so haven't done anything that was remotely interesting but I have posted a few new things that I managed to write up during the holidays.
What Inspires Me: History -  This is the first instalment of a new series I have started which shares with you different things that inspire me as a person as opposed to your usual inspiration post consisting of Tumblr and Pinterest images. The first post is on history - my favourite subject.
New In: Fashion Purchases - I recently went shopping so in this post I share with you the new clothes and accessories that I have bought and let me tell you there are some beautiful things that I have bought recently including literally the best sheer kimono and it was under a tenner. Fabulous! Watch out over the next week for a beauty version of this post.
Skincare Routine - I thought I would just share with you the products that I tend to use on a regular basis in order to keep my skin looking fiiiine.

Don't forget to like my Facebook page and follow me on bloglovin and instagram: amyleehaynes!


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