22 Facts About Me
I don't know about you but I'm feeling twenty-two-ooooh. Yes it's my 22nd birthday today. Now I know I'm not exactly old or getting anywhere near it but I am noticing changes in my life that can only mean, I'M NOT A KID ANYMORE. I have 4 drinks and I'm wildly hungover the next day, it's a struggle to stay awake past 11pm and I wake up at 7am on my days off. But anyway, in celebration of my birthday I'm going old school so here are 22 facts about me.
- I live in Bristol and have done for almost 4 years now.
- I was born in Birmingham and moved to Lancashire when I was 10.
- I have 1 sister and she has a dog.
- I'm going to see Arcade Fire next month.
- I'm also going to see Haim in June so that's 2 favourite bands this year.
- I have a History degree and I got a damn first, yeah boi.
- I want to do a masters but I am going to wait until I know exactly what I want to do before I make that sort of commitment.
- I am going to go travelling/working abroad this year
- I can't drive
- I work in an Aeroplane Museum.
- I volunteer at a different smaller museum on some of my days off and help out with their archives.
- My main career goal is to work in an archives/conservation.
- I'm very lazy.
- I'm always on my phone but who isn't?
- I really like the BeeGees.
- Rasputin by Boney M is also very good cos history.
- Moulin Rouge is my fave film.
- Crunchies is my favourite chocolate bar.
- I don't like Winston Churchill.
- My go to alcoholic drink is either a g+t or JD and Coke.
- I own 4 pairs of Doc Martens - they are the comfiest shoes I will ever wear.
- I think I might be addicted to sugar and I'm ok with that.
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