Thrifty Style Staple
In the last month or so I have realised how my capsule travel wardrobe was not at all prepared for the winter. Armed with complete determination to avoid fast fashion retailers at all costs, I headed to the thrift store or 'op shop' as they are called in New Zealand.
I found this Zara cropped knit hidden away and bagged for $3.00/£1.50. It is a bit bobbly in places which just goes to show that fast fashion items aren't always the best quality. I've always had a bit of thing for brown, oatmeal coloured jumpers so it's the perfect addition to my winter wardrobe.
I was also desperately on the lookout for some secondhand thermals as I am going to working a ski season. Luckily, I found one pair in SaveMart, which is a second hand DREAM. However, I did also break my 'no fast fashion' rule and bought an additional pair from the Warehouse and in true karma, I found another SaveMart which was absolutely jam packed with thermals. My lesson from this is to wait and not to panic buy. We're all still learning.
Jumper - second hand // Jeans - Urban Outfitters Axl (1 year old) // Shoes - Doc Martens (as always) // All Jewelery - Gifts from friends & family
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